ANEFA – Associação Nacional de Empresas Florestais, Agrícolas e do Ambiente is the National Association that serves the interests of a wide range of companies, both in technical services, the production of plants, forestry, agriculture and green spaces, including processing and marketing of agricultural and forestry products.
As a representative of micro, small and medium service companies, ANEFA is involved in the work of multiple Councils, Commissions and Working Groups within the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Social Security and Labor, Ministry of Economy and Cities, Territory and Environment and negotiations with the Sector Unions.
ANEFA publishes its own magazine and makes part of the Expoflorestal Organization that organizes an exhibition every two years.
ANEFA provides to all members information on agricultural, forestry and environmental policy measures, public tender communications, market information, and the dissemination of events. In addition, it participates in defining the professions associated with the sector and has developed a training program to support the different companies on those sectors. At the European level ANEFA is part of different Confederations, representing Portugal.